Winter is undoubtedly the time of the year when our skin and body are exposed to external factors - low temperature, lack of sun and vitamin D3, wind, smog. In addition, it gets dark earlier, which is not conducive to well-being. However, there is a way to improve your mood while taking care of your body. It so happens that performing some aesthetic medicine treatments is even recommended in the winter. And this is due to two simple reasons. First of all, in winter there is no risk of excessive exposure to the sun, so there is no risk of allergic reaction, allergies and irritation. Secondly, the summer tan fades and the skin reveals all previously hidden imperfections and the effects of holiday exploitation.

The offer of aesthetic medicine salons and clinics includes a lot of professional treatments. In order to choose the right one for you, we present a few suggestions that may help you make a decision and regain your skin full of radiance and firmness even in winter!

Exfoliating treatments

It has long been known that regular exfoliation of the epidermis smoothes the skin. In addition, it evens out discolorations and skin tone, and improves firmness and elasticity. It is therefore worth, especially in the winter, to go to a beauty salon and carry out a series of exfoliating treatments. Of course, you can perform peelings at home using drugstore products, but they will not exfoliate the epidermis as well as peelings performed in beauty salons and the effect will not be as satisfactory. It is also worth noting that the selection of preparations and methods is tailored to our needs and the intended effect.

Acid peeling

This type of treatment is performed with the use of acids, and the adjustment of the appropriate one depends on the type and individual needs of each skin. However, the most popular and most commonly used are mandelic, glycolic and salicylic acids. What is the purpose of acid peeling? The main goal is to get rid of discolorations and even skin tone, remove acne scars, shallow wrinkles or freckles. This treatment is most effective if done in series. Then the effect is most satisfactory.

The use of acid causes that a few days after the treatment, the dead skin begins to peel off, revealing healthy, young skin. It is not without reason that chemical peeling is recommended in winter, because the skin after exfoliation is even more susceptible to sunlight than usual and prone to discoloration. That is why it is so important to use, even in winter, creams with a UV filter. It is also worth bearing in mind that frost and cold wind can irritate the skin.



The microdermabrasion treatment consists in brightening and refreshing the appearance of the skin, removing pigmentation changes and discolorations, as well as smoothing fine wrinkles or getting rid of blackheads. The effect is a significant improvement in firmness and elasticity, evening out the color and improvement of the skin structure, and thus visually healthier and fresher complexion.

It is not worth worrying about slight redness after the procedure. This is a natural effect resulting from the stimulation of circulation. Especially that the result is visible after the first session. It is recommended to carry out a series of several treatments (from 6 to 8) every 14 days each. The number of treatments depends on individual arrangements with the specialist.

The most popular types of microdermabrasion include:

  • Diamond - where the exfoliation effect is delicate. Dedicated to skin with shallow wrinkles, lacking radiance, with slight discolorations and enlarged pores, blackheads. The effect of the treatment is fresh and smooth skin, firm and cleansed of blackheads, as well as smoothed from wrinkles and discoloration.
  • Corundum - where the exfoliation effect is very strong, and the skin to which this treatment is dedicated is oily or normal and resistant to external factors. The treatment allows you to get rid of deep wrinkles and strong discolorations, as well as strongly enlarged pores and visible blackheads. The result is fresh, smooth, taut skin without imperfections, wrinkles and discoloration. Due to the strong effect of the treatment, irritation and redness may persist for up to several hours after the procedure.

Both diamond and corundum microdermabrasion are photosensitizing treatments, so special care must be taken to ensure that the skin is not exposed to sunlight and it is necessary to use sunscreen creams.


The fractional CO2 laser has recently become a hit in beauty salons. No wonder, because it is one of the most modern rejuvenating methods, without the need for surgical intervention, and thus long post-treatment recovery. The effect of the fractional laser treatment is significant tension and improvement of skin firmness, reduction of fine wrinkles, smoothing of the skin, wrinkles and acne scars, evening out of skin color and improvement of the skin structure.

The treatment involves creating micro-injuries in a controlled manner, and the split laser beam irradiates a given area of ​​the body, which makes the procedure completely risk-free, and only selected areas are treated. Laser radiation causes evaporation and coagulation of tissues in microthermal zones - thermal energy delivered deep into the skin activates healing processes and supports collagen synthesis.

Skin regenerating treatments

After getting rid of dead skin - it's time for proper care, hydration and proper nourishment of the skin.


Radiofrequency is nothing more than a way to young skin using radio waves. The treatment involves heating collagen fibers to a temperature of 54 degrees, which, under the influence of heating, shrink and re-tighten. This contributes to the stimulation of fibroblasts, and thus the production of new collagen and elastin. The effect is beautifully taut skin, lifting, improving elasticity and density, as well as improving facial contours and color. Radio waves stimulate surface and deeper tissues, oxygenate and nourish them and cause microcirculation - they dilate blood vessels and improve their permeability.


Needle mesotherapy

It is a puncture technique during which amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid or microelements are introduced subcutaneously. The selection of active ingredients depends on the individual needs of the patient and the recommendations of the specialist. The post-treatment effect is improved firmness and deep skin nourishment, as well as strong hydration. This treatment is especially recommended for people with dry, flabby skin with fine wrinkles. Small punctures stimulate the skin to produce collagen, thanks to which the skin gains a healthy appearance, smoothing and lifting effect. The effect is most satisfactory when the procedure is performed regularly. A series of 4-6 treatments is recommended.