• Guarantee of originality and insurance

All products that are visible in our store offer are original, come from reliable sources and are completely safe.

In today's world, it is not difficult to counterfeit anything. Every day we see counterfeit handbags, shoes, belts on the streets - but these items do not directly affect our health, but only our wallets. However, joint acids, fillers, tissue stimulators, chemical peels, creams and cheeses directly interact with our body. For us, the health and satisfaction of our customers is the most important. Therefore, we wanted to communicate once again that when you buy from us, you buy a product from a legal and safe source. In addition, out of concern for your and your patients' safety, our products are covered by insurance against adverse effects.
  • Conditional access to the store

Access to the offer is for companies and professionals - natural persons with education in the relevant field of health care (e.g. cosmetologist) or medicine (e.g. nurse, doctor, dentist).

By accepting the regulations and moving on, you declare at the same time that you are not inexperienced people and that they are professionals.

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