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How to prevent hair loss? How to prevent excessive baldness? Alopecia areata? Slow growing hair? Thin hair and no volume? Androgenetic alopecia?

There is only one answer to all these questions - the use of therapy that stimulates hair growth and regeneration.

At Puremed, we have the best quality products such as Dr.CYJ, peptide hair therapy is an innovative therapy that stimulates the hair follicles and revitalizes them. Safe to use for both women and men. Research on the preparation Dr.CYJ Hair Filler lasted over 10 years, after the first treatment, hair loss is stopped, and subsequent ones are stimulated to grow.

Spectacular effects are visible after the entire series of treatments, i.e. after 2 months, the therapy requires 4 treatments every 2 weeks. The procedure itself is not painful and does not require anesthesia, and the effect lasts for a year!

Why does hair fall out?

Alopecia is a common problem that affects both men and women. Hair loss is most often associated with a disturbance in the secretion of hormones (mainly androgens), chronic stress, malnutrition, heavy metal poisoning or inappropriate care and frequent dyeing treatments. Every day a person loses approx. 100 hairs, which is a natural phenomenon. The problem arises when the bands come out in handfuls. It happens as a result of the degeneration of the hair follicles and damage to the structure of the bulbs. Characteristic bald fragments may also appear on the head.

If you experience excessive hair loss, the first step should be to visit a doctor who will suggest changing your diet and introducing appropriate supplementation. This can be complemented by a visit to an aesthetic medicine office for needle mesotherapy of the scalp. It is a procedure that is enjoying increasing popularity.

Needle mesotherapy and hair loss - what is the procedure?

An effective method for alopecia is scalp needle mesotherapy. An experienced and qualified specialist performs injections with preparations rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth. This leads to the formation of microtraumas, which cause the activation of repair mechanisms, which increases the regenerative abilities and stimulates the bulbs. The injection takes place at a depth of approx. 2-3 millimeters.

Most often, the composition of such a cocktail includes:

hyaluronic acid,


nucleic acids,

biomimetic peptides,

algae and green tea extracts,

vitamins A, C and E.

The preparations strengthen the hair structure, moisturize it, stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and reduce hair loss.

In order for the patient to feel comfortable during the procedure, the specialist gives him local anesthesia. Needle mesotherapy of the scalp brings quick and long-lasting results. However, it is recommended to repeat the treatment on average every two weeks in 3-6 series. Side effects that disappear after a few days may include small swellings, bruises and hematomas.

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