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  • Tissue stimulators

What are tissue stimulators?

Tissue stimulators are a novelty in aesthetic medicine, they are used to prevent aging - anti-aging. They rebuild the structure of the skin, stimulate skin cells, collagen and elastin, thanks to which they provide natural effects of improving the firmness, density and overall quality of the skin. The most common tissue stimulants are preparations that contain L-polylactic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite. The doctor decides which preparation should be used for the treatment.

What are the differences between L-polylactic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite?

Calcium hydroxyapatite gives an immediate effect of returning the facial contour, correcting depressions and furrows. It is recommended for use on the face and dorsal surfaces of the hands. It should not be used on the neck, cleavage and other parts of the body.

L-polylactic acid gives a gradual effect of restoring the face volume, the effect appears gradually over a period of several months.

What are the indications for the procedure with the use of tissue stimulators?

  •  improvement of the face volume and contour - volumetry,
  •  lifting and increasing skin density,
  •  raising an eyebrow
  •  rejuvenation and regeneration of hand skin,
  •  acne scars,
  •  non-surgical and permanent nose correction,
  • areas where the tissue stimulator is used: chin, lower jaw, hands, cheeks, nose, nasolabial folds, marionette line.

What are the contraindications for the procedure with the use of a tissue stimulator?

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • Colds and other infections,
  • The active phase of allergies,
  • Inflammation at the site of the procedure, including herpes,
  • Autoimmune diseases,
  • Tendency to scarring,
  • Taking medications that inhibit blood clotting,
  • Known allergy to the ingredients of the preparation,
  • Cancer,
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Permanent fillers.

How long does the effect last after the injection of the tissue stimulator?

The effects depend on the quality of the patient's skin, health, lifestyle, diet and exercise. They also depend on the quality of the applied preparation, our store offers the best quality, safe and original tissue stimulators, e.g. the Radiesse preparation. After using this preparation, the effects on the skin last from 18 to 35 months!

How often do you need to repeat the procedure with the use of a tissue stimulator?

The repeatability of the treatments depends on the quality of the patient's skin and lifestyle. The assessment is an aesthetic medicine doctor. Usually, the treatment can be repeated 24 months after the first treatment.

  • Conditional access to the store

Access to the offer is for companies and professionals - natural persons with education in the relevant field of health care (e.g. cosmetologist) or medicine (e.g. nurse, doctor, dentist).

By accepting the regulations and moving on, you declare at the same time that you are not inexperienced people and that they are professionals.

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