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  • LINERASE - 5ml

The bioactive preparation is designed to regenerate and rebuild the skin, reduce flaccidity, stretch marks and atrophic scars, restore elasticity and elasticity, smooth wrinkles.

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LINERASE is the only new generation atelocolagen available on the market. It is a breakthrough, bioactive preparation for mesotherapy, which regenerates and rebuilds the skin, and thus restores its elasticity and radiance. The preparation is designed to stimulate fibroblasts to produce fibers, endogenous collagen, as a new tissue filling. Atelokolagen LINERASE stimulates the production of new fibroblasts, which contribute to the improvement of the condition of the skin and thus a younger appearance.

The bioactive preparation is designed to regenerate and rebuild the skin, reduce flaccidity, stretch marks and atrophic scars, restore elasticity and elasticity, smooth wrinkles. The collagen contained in linerase is, of course, a different type of collagen than the one contained in cosmetics for daily care. Atelocolagen type I, contained in the Preparation Linerase is a biomaterial that completely excludes postoperative allergic reactions, is biodegradable and bioconfiable (spontaneously and completely dissolves in the skin).


· visible signs of skin aging: wrinkles, disturbed face oval

· visible scars

· tired, dehydrated skin that needs regeneration

· skin that has lost its firmness and elasticity

· prophylactically, the treatment can be performed after the age of 25, especially if the skin tends to dry out and premature aging

Active ingredients:

Linerase 1 op. = 1 vial from which we obtain 5 ml of suspension after addition:

5 ml of saline or 0.5 ml of 2% lidocaine + 4.5 ml of saline.

Area of application:

· face, neck, décolleté, hands.

Area of application:


· face, neck, décolleté, hands.


The first effect of the Linerase treatment appears after 72 hours and lasts up to 3 weeks. Therapy consists of 2 - 4 treatments. After a year, it is recommended to perform 1 maintenance procedure.


Product for use by professionals only.


By deciding to buy, you declare that you are a doctor or cosmetologist trained in aesthetic medicine.

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